Dear Ladies, if the results from your prophylactic examinations are suspicious for existence of changed cells, you should be subjected to additional diagnostics examinations and treated, if necessary.

The main diagnostic examinations are:

  • DNA-typification – accurate method for determination of carriers of high risk types of human papilloma virus (hr-HPV), which play proven role in the development of pre-cancerous changes and cancer of external genitals. Material is taken for the test during the examination and it does not cause either pain or discomfort.
  • Cytosmear – microscopic examination of uterine neck cells. The cells are taken without pain within several seconds, by special brushes and are smeared onto glass plate. Pathologist shall determine if they are normal or have specific changes, requiring further clarification by colposcopy. The result shall be ready after 5-7 days approximately.
  • Colposcopy – painless inspection of external genitals, vagina walls and uterine neck by special optical device and application of reagents, which visualize the invisible changes. When such changes are revealed, your gynecologist will offer you extra examination – biopsy.
  • Biopsy – colposcope-controlled sampling of changed tissue by special instrument. Usually examination lasts 2-3 seconds, you do not feel any pain and may observe very scanty reddish staining from vagina within 1-2 days. Result from biopsy shall be ready within several days and it is used to specify your diagnosis.

Additional examinations are carried out at ambulatory, and the relevant results define the exact place of changes, their severity and assist in selection of the therapeutic  method, most suitable for you. From your gynecologist you will obtain detail information about the status, anesthesia, treatment and mode of monitoring. Definite day and hour for the therapeutic procedure will be fixed.

Treatment methods aim elimination of changed cells by the most sparing mode and your healing.  Commonly they are named destructive methods. The devices used for treatment represent various types of energy (freezing, electric power, laser beam) by which your gynecologist shall eliminate your dysplasia in total. The various types of energy are applied at definite conditions and indications and the decision for selection of the method shall be passed by your physician. After being convinced and informed sufficiently about the required treatment, you shall be proposed to sign documents by which you attest that you understand the reasons and mode of treatment and agree to be subjected to it. If you are juvenile, the documents shall be signed by your parents.

Destructive treatment does not necessitate any hospitalization, it lasts not more than 10-15 minutes and is painless. Special local anesthetics are applied.

How to prepare myself?

No special preparation is necessary. If preliminary vaginal treatment is prescribed, it should be ended 24 hours prior to procedure. You should be neither hungry nor thirsty.  If you administer Aspirin or any other medicines, affecting blood coagulation, you should inform your physician in advance and stop its administration 3-4 days prior to the day of destructive treatment. If you are allergic to anesthetics, please carry out preliminary allergy consultation and take anti-allergy treatment if such is prescribed. You should inform your gynecologist about all known co-lesions, drug treatment as well as any destructive treatment carried out in the past (submit documentation!).

For the forthcoming procedure with general anesthesia, you should present the additionally prescribed blood tests and to avoid food and liquids at least 6 hours in advance. You should not drive and drink alcohol within 24-48 hours after the treatment!

When should I come to the hospital?

Your treatment is planned in advance and you have obtained the date and hour. You should be with ended menstrual bleeding (1-2 clear day). Please come at the defined hour and bring your medical documentation.

How my treatment shall pass?

Usually procedure passes as a normal prophylactic examination. After anesthesia into the neck, your physician shall eliminate precisely the changed cells by optical device (colposcope) and shall apply preventive measures against inflammation and bleeding. You will sense only unpleasant stretching by the vaginal speculum and usually there is no pain. Very rare there is more expressed bleeding at the end of procedure which necessitates extra stypticity (coagulation). It will take further several minutes.

At the end of procedure you put on your clothes, receive written instructions, medical documentation and ask your questions.
After the treatment you may have certain temporary discomfort which is over very quickly.
You will be informed about the necessity and mode of monitoring after the treatment.

What happens after the treatment?

Within the next 1-2 weeks you will have watery discharge or weak one, similar to menstrual bleeding. It is normal. When you sleep in the night, secretion from the neck is collected gradually into your vagina and after getting up you may establish menstrual stained “abundant bleeding” which decreases significantly in the next hours. It is normal too.
Although rare, more abundant scarlet bleeding may appear, especially after violation of limitation regimen. In such a case you should reduce your physical activity and phone the team. Most often it is not necessary to come back to the hospital, but it is possible your gynecologist to decide the contrary. You shall dispose with a telephone for connection with your physician and should inform him/her in case of any abundant menstrual bleeding or more expressed discomfort.

It is necessary to avoid physical loading, sport and sexual contacts for a period of 20 days after the treatment.

What the complications are?

They do not differ on principle from the possible one after each surgical procedure and are observed very rare:

  • Genital bleeding within several hours after the treatment
  • Unclear painfulness (cramps) low in abdomen within several hours after the treatment
  • Discharge with unusual acute odour and febrility
  • General indisposition

If you have similar complaints, contact your treating physician!

How does monitoring pass and how long it takes?

Most often monitoring continues more than 12 months, with 4 visits at interval of 3-4 months. The number and intervals of your control examinations shall be individualized, about which you will obtain additional information.
Monitoring includes cytosmear, DNA-typification and colposcopy. Monitoring will stop at normal results and you will be subjected to standard prophylactics.

Kindly become familiar with the proposed information and ask questions without embarrassments!

Sincerely yours – Team of Vita Dysplasia center