
Mammograph of the latest generation is available at “Vita” Hospital

Mammograph of the latest generation is available at “Vita” Multiprofile hospital for active treatment.
Mammary gland cancer is the most frequent malignant lesion in women approximately 3000 new patients annually for Bulgaria. Early discovery of lesions and prognosis is very important for the therapeutic success of therapy and one of the methods is examination by mammograph.
This fact as well as the extending problem for access to specialized medical aid in this area forced the management ofVitahospital to take a decision for purchasing of mammograph.
VitaHospital, till now, always takes part actively in the initiative for prevention of socially important lesions and due to its official opening, in October 2005 it granted to its patients two days for prophylactic examinations, consultations and examinations of mammary gland cancer.