Blepharoplasty means surgical correction of eyelids. It may be accompanied with laser resurfacing of eyelids, fillers or lifting. When it is alone, it is done under local or general anesthesia. In the upper eyelid it is only lifting while in the lower one it may be accompanied with elimination of fatty pockets in the so called “sacs under the eyes” and tightening of the orbicular muscle. Cuts are made in the folds and nearby the eyelashes (at the lower eyelid) which makes the scars practically invisible
What should patients know:
1. To avoid smoking at least 2 weeks prior to the intervention
2. To avoid Aspirin administration 1 week prior to the operation.
3. Cold compresses are recommended on the day of operation to fight the swelling
4. Stitches and light adhesives stay about 5 days and then they are eliminated.
5. Eye solutions or ointments are necessary to be applied sometimes.
6. If you have contact lens, do not put them 7 to 10 days after the operation