
X-RAYWilhelm Conrad Roentgen discoverer of X-rays in 1895, one of the types of radiation energy. X-RAY UNITdevice, using X-rays in medicine for diagnosis and treatment


RADIOLOGYmedical specialty, branch of medical science, which studies the human body by X-rays, based on one of their principle properties - penetration


RADIOGRAPHYimage of object of human body, obtained by X-rays on a special plate – X-ray photograph


ULTRASOUNDsonic waves with frequency over 20 000 Hz


ULTRASONIC DIAGNOSISexamination method known also as echography or ultrasonography. By special devices, which use the property of ultrasonic waves to reflect specifically from tissues with different density in human body. Obtained are images on monitor or paper from the organs and structures of the body, accessible for examination by this method.