
Gynecomastia operation consists of two basic components:

1. Elimination of mammary gland on male patient
2. Lipposuction of adjacent fatty tissue

 Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate the skin fold.

The scar is in the lower part of areole and is practically invisible. Areole is shrinking in the post-operative period and becomes small and flat. The adjacent skin is shrinking along the sub-lying tissue. To help it, it is necessary to wear special elastic t- shirt within a month after the operation.

Operation is carried out under general anesthesia. One night stay in the clinic. Special compressive dressing is worn for five days. The pain is light – like muscular fever. Heavy physical labour and sport should be avoided within 3 weeks after the operation.

Effect is final one – no recurrences.
For booking of consultations: 02/960 4969

                  Before                                                        After