
What is furuncle?

Boil is infection of hair follicle, caused by purulent bacteria like S. aureus. It seems as solid, painful, inflamed node with centrally located hair. It appears on regions of skin, subjected to friction and abundant perspiration like the internal surfaces of hips and axilla, as well as on the face, neck, back and breech parts. Shaving, tearing, obesity, diabetes mellitus, use of corticosteroids and local antibiotics are the predisposition factors.

Which are the symptoms?
It begins with heat of skin, light erubescence, thereafter develops thickening of skin at depth with elevated local temperature, discomfort, causalgia, sometimes fever, lack of appetite. Central necrotic zone is formed - "core".

What is the treatment?
In the initial stages, prior to be formed central necrosis, the treatment is conservative – local application of antibiotic and antiseptic creams. At adequate treatment, complaints disappear within 7 days. Oral antibiotics should be applied in case of dissemination of process and no effect.

Surgical treatment is undertaken in case of no therapeutic success and development of central necrosis and pus – opening of abscess under local anesthesia and washing by antiseptic solutions. It is important to eliminate predisposition factors in the treatment and prophylactic against secondary appearance.


What is carbuncle?
It is acute purulent inflammation of several hair follicles, located abreast. Most often they appear on the neck, the upper part of back and the posterior surface of thigh. Skin thickness in these areas leads to extension of inflammatory process and involvement of adjacent hair follicles.

What are the complaints?
Painful, erubescent, with elevated local temperature, solidified region of skin with several subcutaneous runs. Frequently there is fever and lack of appetite, violated general status.

What is the treatment?
The treatment is conservative in the initial stages. By the development of infiltrate and purulence, incisions are made on the skin and hypoderma under local anesthesia, daily dressings are recommended. Systemic antibiotics are prescribed.

Infected epidermal cyst (atheroma)

Atheroma is a subcutaneous lump, softy by consistence, usually painless and slowly growing. In case of infected cyst, it becomes painful, inflamed and full with pus.


What are the complaints?
It starts with light erubescence, thereafter develops thickening of skin at depth with elevated local temperature, discomfort, burning pain.


What is the treatment?
Treatment is only surgical one with local anesthesia by elimination of cyst together with its capsule to avoid repeated appearance.

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