
Inflammatory lesions of urinary bladder and kidneys exist in 3 - 5% of the population. There is a certain connection between them, sex and age.
Women suffer more often due to anatomic peculiarities of their urogenital system /there are conditions to transfer adjacently the bacterial contamination from vagina/. Pregnancy is also predisposing factor due to compression of urethra by the fetus and retention of urine. By advancing of age and appearance of prostate adenoma in some males, infections of urinary bladder and kidney become more frequent in them. Nephrolithiasis is also the reason for development of inflammatory lesions of urinary bladder and kidneys.
Most often the patients complain from burning urination, frequent and painful urination, blood in urine – in inflammation of urinary bladder /cystitis/. When the inflammatory process has covered the kidneys, the status of patients is significantly damaged – often the temperature is elevated, sometimes with fever, pain in loin, which could be dull at milder inflammation or very strong, terebrant at purulent inflammation.
It is necessary to carry out examinations of blood and urine /incl. microbiological isolation of bacterial agent/, ultrasonic examination of kidneys and urinary bladder for exact diagnosis and starting of prompt treatment. At correct and timely treatment, these lesions end with complete healing for a period of 10-15 days, complaints fade down, laboratory indices are normalized. Big role for prevention of recurrences of these lesions is the elimination of predisposition factors when it is possible. In case that these lesions are not treated it is possible to develop more severe complications like inflammation of adjacent tissues, necrosis or acute renal failure.

Office in patient care