
Ulcer is one of the most frequent lesions of gastrointestinal system. It affects 5 to 10% in average of the adult population. It is a defect, penetrating via mucosa of stomach or duodenum. Psychoemotional stress, use of alcohol, smoking, hereditary predisposition are some of the reasons for arising of this lesion. The big role in the recent years is given to infection with bacterial Helicobacter pylori.  When its presence is proven, it is convenient to carry out antibiotic therapy.
Usually the patients complain from pain in stomach area, when hungry or 2-3 hours after eating in duodenal ulcer or immediately after eating in stomach ulcer. Some patients have heat behind sternum, belching, nausea, vomiting. Most dangerous complications of this lesion are:
• Acute hemorrhage – life-threatening condition,
• Perforation /punctured ulcer/
• Penetration /penetration in adjacent organs and structures/
• Pylori stenosis /stenosis at stomach exit/ - most often as a result of long-term stomach ulcer
Laboratory and radiological examination with barium pulp as well as fibrogastroscopy are the main methods for diagnosis and monitoring of ulcer.
Correct medical treatment after consultation with gastroenterologist is very important to achieve remission of this lesion and prevention of its complications.

Office in patient care