Inguinal (inguinal) hernia

An inguinal hernia is located in the lower abdomen, above the thigh, near or in the pubic area. They can occur on both sides of the pubic area and then we are talking about a bilateral inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia, along with a femoral hernia, are the two types of hernias that form in the groin area. Inguinal hernias are classified as "direct" or "indirect." Indirect inguinal hernia occurs when the internal inguinal opening is weak.

A direct inguinal hernia results from weakness in the floor of the inguinal canal and is more common in individuals over the age of 40.


Femoral (thigh) hernia


The femoral hernia, together with the inguinal hernia, are the hernias located in the groin area. They are much more common in women and pregnancy and childbirth play a role in their appearance. These hernias are much more often complicated by entrapment. Therefore, once they are diagnosed, timely surgery is recommended.