Laparoscopic or also called "mini-invasive surgery", "bloodless surgery" is a specialized technique for performing operations in the abdominal cavity. In classic "open" surgery, the surgeon uses a different sized incision to enter the abdominal cavity, whereas in laparoscopic surgery, one or several incisions with dimensions of 0.5-1 cm are used. Hollow tubes (trocars) are inserted through each incision, called a port, through which, with the help of a camera and micro-instruments, the relevant organ or pathological process is reached.

The laparoscope transmits images of the abdominal cavity to monitors in the operating room. During the operation, the surgeon views detailed images of the abdominal organs in real time. This system allows the surgeon to perform the same operations as the traditional ones, but with small incisions, leaving no scars, and without any pain.


Bloodless methods of treatment in the Department of General, Abdominal and Laparoscopic Surgery at Vita Medical Center:

-    Laparoscopic surgery of all types of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall
-    Certain types of hernia (such as recurrent, bilateral, or complicated by other causes) are particularly suitable for laparoscopic intervention.
-    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - A modern method of treating benign diseases of the gallbladder.
-    Laparoscopic appendectomy - Method of surgical treatment of inflammation of the appendix.
-    Ultrasonic ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries - A modern method for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.

-    Fast recovery Reduced hospital stay (24 - 48 hours)
-    Minimal trauma to the abdominal wall
-    Severely reduced postoperative pain