
The football player Dennis Hassan from FC Maritsa (Plovdiv) underwent successful surgery of inguinal hernia in "Vita Hernia Center"

The football player Dennis Hassan from FC Maritsa (Plovdiv) underwent successful surgery of inguinal hernia in "Vita Hernia Center" yesterday. The player of the Plovdiv football team trusted for his surgery the team of Dr. Rosen Tushev - Head of "Vita Hernia Center" and an expert in laparoscopic (bloodless) operational techniques.


"I visited many doctors before you got here, and the pain intensified and prevented my game. I am grateful to Dr. Tushev and the team of "Vita Hernia Center" for the help and support for the rapid removal of the problem", said Dennis after the surgery.


Hernia is a socially significant disease that occurs in about 2% of people everywhere in the world. Inguinal hernia is a type of hernia, which is localized in the lower part of the abdomen, above the hip, in close proximity to or in the pubic area. It can occur on both sides of the pubic area and in such case we talk about bilateral inguinal hernia. Statistically over 20% of inguinal hernias are bilateral.


Inguinal hernias are classified as "direct" or "indirect." Indirect inguinal hernia occurs when there is weakness of the internal inguinal opening and the direct is result of weakness of the floor of the inguinal canal and is more common in patients over 40 years of age.


Once emerged, the opening in the abdominal wall can not heal spontaneously or be treated conservatively with medications and others. Hernias develop and the defect enlarges. The danger of "entrapment" also increases. This is accompanied by severe pain and threatens the patient with various complications. The only way to stop the growth of the hernia is to surgically restore the integrity of the abdominal wall.


Following the standards imposed by the European Hernia Society - EHS, whose member is Dr. Toushev in "Vita Hernia Center" we perform with priority laparoscopic (bloodless) hernia operations. The method results in a faster, painless and easy recovery of the patient with minimal pain and trauma and excellent cosmetic results.






When did you realize you have a problem and what were the first symptoms that you noticed?

Four months ago I started feeling pain in the groin that gradually grew stronger and climbed up into the abdomen. This hindered my game.


Do you often encounter the problem of inguinal hernia among other football players? Do you know colleagues with similar to your complaints?

Actually, I have a lot of friends and colleagues with the same problem.


Have you taken any measures to treat the condition before you came to the hospital for surgery, and if so - what?

I only accept pain relief medication and injections.


What made you decide to undergo surgery?

This was the only possible solution to fix the problem, to recover quickly and be able to be a full part of the team.


Why did you choose "Vita Hernia Center" and the team of Dr. Tushev?

I was referred to "Vita Hernia Center" by my colleague Diego Ferareso, which was operated by "sports hernia" here some time ago. I'm glad I picked the team of Dr. Tushev and I hope to recover as soon as possible so I can play again.