


                                      СВЕТОВЕН ДЕН ЗА БОРБА ПРОТИВ ТЮТЮНОПУШЕНЕТО

About the dangers of smoking


Smoking causes a number of chronic noncommunicable diseases and premature death. It has been shown that 80-90% of chronic respiratory diseases, 80-85% of lung cancer, 30% of all malignancies and 25-43% of ischemic heart diseases are directly related to smoking.


Respiratory organs are particularly vulnerable to smoking. A young person who smokes one pack of cigarettes per day, has the respiratory abilities of a person who is 20 years older than him.


Smoking is a well known cause of lung cancer, larynx, oral cavity and esophagus. Smoking also is associated with stomach cancer, bladder, kidney, pancreas, and acute myeloid leukemia.


Over 80% of smokers suffer from bronchitis. Over the years it progresses and becomes fertile ground for the development of lung cancer. The risk of cancer of the lungs increases in proportion to the number of smoked cigarettes. It appears almost 20 times more common in those who smoke. This risk among 40-45 year-old smokers is 10 times larger. Women develop lung cancer in a shorter smoking history and less exposure to tobacco smoke. In comparison, only 0.5% of smokers become ill from lung cancer.


Sudden death among male smokers aged 40-59 appears 3-4 times more common than among non-smokers at this age. The probability of heart attack by up to 30 years old men who smoke is 2 times greater if the smoker suffers from high blood pressure or high content of cholesterol in the blood.


Smoking is also the cause for a large percentage of cases of chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD). COLD is a condition of progressive airflow obstruction that occurs during and as a result of disease such as "chronic bronchitis", "emphysema" or a combination of both. Usually the disease affects the age between 35 and 45, when the capacity of the lung loses its active function.


Couples who smoke are more likely to have problems conceiving than nonsmokers. Smokers get pregnant more difficult. Their fertility is decreased by about 30% compared to women who do not smoke, and they occur with menopause 2-3 years earlier. In men aged between 30 and 50 smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by 50%.


About passive smoking


Sidestream smoke from tobacco is more dangerous as it passes through the filter and contains 2 times more tar, 3 times more benzapiren,5 times more carbon monoxide, 50 times more ammonia, 60 times more cadmium, hydrogen cyanide and aldehydes. 76.8% of children in Bulgaria are passive smokers at home through the so-called "passive smoking".


One of five who works outside home is exposed to smoke at least one hour per day.


According to The World Health Organisation is expected every sixth fatality case or 10 million deaths to be caused by smoking each year /due to tuberculosis, pneumonia and complications at birth/. This is more than all other diseases combined. If this trend keeps going it is likely that about 500 million people die as a result of smoking, losing 20-25 years of their lives.


Quitting smoking


When quitting the body typically goes through the following several phases:


After 2 hours The first symptoms of nicotine "hunger" appear, which shows that your body begins to dispose of nicotine


After 6 hours –Your heartbeat slows and your blood pressure is lowered, although it may take several weeks until they are completely normal.


After 12 hours –In your body there is no longer carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke, the lungs begin to work a little better and shortness of breath weakens.


After 2 days –Your sense of smell and taste improve.


After 2 to 12 weeks –Your body's blood circulation is improved, leading to greater ease of walking and jogging.


After 3 to 9 months –Coughing, wheezing and breathing difficulties decrease and work of the lung is improved by about 10%.


After 5 years Your risk of heart attack is two times smaller then that of smokers


After 10 years The risk to get ill from lung cancer also decreases 2 times compared to that of smoking and the risk of heart attack is so low as by someone who has never smoked.


May 31 – World No Tobacco Day


NSI’s data of European health survey shows that 40.5% of men and 18.9% of women aged 15 and over smoke on daily basis. Bulgaria ranks first in smoking in Europe with 42% of the population. Most shocking, however, are other data from the same statistics - more than half the Bulgarians under the age of 14 years have already tried the taste of cigarettes.


Да се включим в борбата против тютюнопушенето! Да направим въздуха за нашите деца по-чист и безвреден! Join the fight against smoking! Lets make the air for our children cleaner and safer!


Is it hard to wuir smoking?:


  • Yes! For those who expect magic.


  • No! For those who are highly motivated to do it.



If you want to quit smoking, but you can not do it by yourself, seek professional help from pulmonologist!