Pediatric urology

Urology is a complex medical specialty related to the study and treatment of diseases in the genitourinary system of men and women. It implements and develops methods for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of those diseases. Urology mainly deals with the surgical treatment of the relevant diseases, but often uses more conservative methods as well.

Pediatric urology deals with the peculiarity, diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases in children, with more than 90% of the disabilities being different types of anomalies.

The Department of Pediatric Urology at Vita Hospital is a unit specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired urological diseases in childhood. The team is carrying out of types of operative procedures of the excretory and genital systems in children.

The Department of Pediatric Urology at Vita is headed by Dr. Emil Atanasov and his team that comprises of Dr. Simeon Andreev and Dr. Ivan Alexander Georgiev.

Our highly qualified specialists use all modern day methods for treatment of urological diseases in children.

The ultrasound examination is the most accurate and indicative method for establishing the presence of kidney abnormalities, inflammation, stones or other dysfunctions that the child may have.

Laparoscopic and endoscopic operations are performed at Vita Hospital, ensuring that non-traumatic and bloodless operative interventions can be performed to children, even as you as 1 or 2 year old patients. In addition, the laparoscopic methods performed at Vita Hospital, allows for extreme precision, shortens the hospital stay and don’t leave scarred tissue after the operation.