
How do we know we suffer from hypertension?

The most common complaints by elevated blood pressure (BP) are: headache, "stress head", tinnitus, briefly darkening before the eyes, vertigo, balance disorders, chest heaviness, tightness in the neck, etc.

If you have such compaints, you must measure your blood pressure 3-4 times a week, preferably some of the measurements have to be at a moment when you have no complaints.

In some cases with hypertension, including high-grade, there are no complaints. Patients feel better, they are in good condition and are unaware of the problem. In these cases, the establishment of hypertension is accidental – by prophylactic examination, random measurement of BP and often in connection with the complication occurred.

The only way to detect hypertension is to measure blood pressure. This is especially important for men over 40 years, menopausal women, children of hypertensive patients, especially if they are burdened on paternal and maternal lines, people with diabetes, obesity, renal, endocrine and systemic diseases (amyloidosis, lupus, etc.). Sometimes it may be necessary to hold a 24-hour BP monitoring (Holter).


Which values of blood pressure are considered high?

In society there is misconception that the rate of blood pressure depends on the age. For all ages the values above 140 mm Hg systolic (upper limit) and 90 mm Hg diastolic (lower limit) pressure are high.

By patients with diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors (impaired lipid balance, smoking, obesity, metabolic syndrome) are accepted as normal values below 130 mm Hg systolic pressure below 85 mm Hg diastolic.


What to do if you measure high blood pressure?

A single measurement of elevated BP still does not mean hypertension. It is appropriate to make several measurements on the same day and over the next 2-3 days. Diagnosis "hypertension" is placed once there are increased values by at least 3 measurements, taken by at least 2 examinations.

If you have an increased blood pressure in several measurements necessarily visit your GP for further testing and evaluation of behavior. Initiation of drug treatment is possible.


How long should I drink drugs for blood pressure?

Treatment of hypertension is prolonged, often without interruption until the end of life. Discontinuation of treatment may be considered when BP decreases excessively in the summer months, by change of residence (travelling abroad), significant weight loss, prescription of drugs for other diseases (prostate, neurological, etc.). Discontinuation or change of the dosage of drugs should not be done arbitrarily, but only after consulting a doctor.

Taking drugs does not mean successful treatment. After starting treatment with medicines their effect must be followed by periodically controlled BP values.


What device for blood pressure measurement has to be used?

For measurements at home different devices may be used:

·         Electronic measuring automatically the BP - they are comfortable to use and for self-measurement

·         Devices with hand pump and headset – they require some experience and often help by another person

Routine use of electronic devices that measure BP on the wrist (watch type) is not recommended, especially by persons over 60 years


What happens if several consecutive measurements with the device show different values?

It is normal for different measurements, although made in a short time interval, the values of BP to be different. In general, the measurement should be done after 3-5 minutes rest, while sitting or lying down. There are also three consecutive measurements in 3-5 minutes without changing the position and without tension in the muscles. For real value is considered the average of the second and the third measurement.

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