
Infections of upper respiratory tract and lungs are one of the most frequent reasons to visit the doctor’s consulting room especially in autumn-winter season. The lower air temperatures are favourable for dissemination of number of viruses causing these lesions. In some cases, especially in people with concomitant chronic lesions, bacterial infection could be added to the viral one. The persons working in bigger teams and the students are exposed to higher risk. Most often the patients complain from general sickness, pains in muscles and joints, sore throat, rheum, cough, sometimes elevated temperature.
When we should contact the physician for assistance and advice?
When your complaints continue more than two or three days and your status is not improved, when you have cough and high temperature, seek doctor’s assistance. One untreated or incorrectly treated infection of upper respiratory tract could lead to more serious complications. In such cases it is apt to examine additionally the throat or nasal secretion, blood picture, X-ray of lungs, etc. in order to place the exact diagnosis and carry out correct therapy. Self-treatment with antibiotics is incorrect and even dangerous in some cases.
How to prevent development of these lesions?
• There are several types of anti-flu vaccines which are recommended for all risky patients
• There are also number of preparations to increase the defense of organism/specific and non-specific immunoprophylactics/
Always prior to apply these preparations, everyone should consult the physician which is the most suitable drug for each case.

Office in patient care