
Pneumonia is inflammatory infiltration of lungs. According to the agent, pneumonias are divided into: - Infectious - bacterial, viral, chlamydial, etc. - Chemical- from dust and gas effects - Physical from ray effects; traumas, etc. Most frequent are the bacterial, viral,  and recently the chlamydial pneumonias. Infectious agents penetrate into lungs predominantly by air-drop way i.e. when the persons inspires air, infected by viruses or bacteria, expired by ill persons in his coughing, wheezing, spitting. Pneumonias develop at any time in the year, but explosively become more frequent in the cold months. Then many people stay in closed, unventilated premises and infection from ill people is facilitated. Predisposing factor is catching cold of organism too. Very often pneumonias develop as complication after flu, other acute viral infections or untreated infections of upper respiratory tract. Lesion symptoms are: cough acute, irritating, in the beginning dry and later excretion of secrets (mucus-purulent, with blood veins at complication); pains and/or stabs in thorax; cold chills of the body with fever and elevation of temperature from 37.5 tо 40 oС. Pneumonia is a serious inflammatory lesion, which if not treated in time and correctly, it may lead to severe complications, even ending lethal.  For the correct diagnosis – PNEUMONIA, you shall need the minimum: blood count, X-ray of lungs and examination by physician specialist in pulmonary diseases (pulmologist). The treatment depends on the type, severity, existence or absence of other co-lesion, the age of the patient and many other factors. Therefore, do not undertake self-treatment! Consult specialist of pulmonary diseases!


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