
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, which may develop in all organs and systems of human organism. Most often, it is localized in respiratory system. Tuberculosis occupies alarming sizes in the recent years. For 5 years, the number of ill patients in this country is increased triple, and each year about 4000 new cases are registered. The lesion agent is the so called Koch bacteria, which has 4 pathogenic types (human, bovine, poultry and mouse) and is very resistant. It is found everywhere in the environment. Infection source is the patient with tuberculosis, who is coughing and spitting on the streets. Most threatened from infection and illness are the contact persons i.e. living and working in one premise with the ill people. Not each contact person becomes ill. From tuberculosis suffer persons with inhibited immune system. Predisposing factors are the incomplete and non-rationale feeding, stress, overtiredness, alcohol abuse, smoking i.e. all which destroys the organism protection. Risky for becoming ill from tuberculosis are  also the patients with diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal complaints; persons treated for long time with cortisone preparations, such undergoing chemo- and radio-therapy, etc.   Tuberculosis infection is possible also at consumption of fresh milk and its products; fresh cheese, curds, butter, produced from ill cows. The fresh milk, even pasteurized, should be boiled 5 min minimum to become bacilli-free. The first symptoms for tuberculosis is the general lassitude, easy tiredness, lack of appetite, maintaining temperature of  37, 37.3 for long time (months), night abundant perspiration. In the pulmonary form of tuberculosis, the prolonged cough is very specific, which in the beginning is dry, irritating, mainly in the night, and later on with expectoration of sputa, different by kind and quantities. Expectoration of blood is a symptom of advanced form of the pulmonary lesion. If you are in doubt that your friend or relative is suffering from tuberculosis, immediately send him to physician, and better to specialist in pulmonary diseases. If the disease is confirmed and you are in close contact with the patient, you should be examined too! Should we be afraid from tuberculosis? Yes! Tuberculosis is a serious and dangerous disease and it is very important  to be not avoided. In timely diagnosis and correct treatment, this lesion may be healed completely.

Office in patient care