General information

What does bariatric surgery do?

Bariatric surgery is the surgical treatment of morbid obesity. This type of surgery is not well known in this country yet but it is the future to struggle obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The method is related to drastic loss of weight, thus improving and in many cases healing the co-lesions related to obesity. These lesions include diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, asthma and other respiratory disorders, arthritis, cholesterol problems, gastroesophageal reflux, fatty liver, urinary stress incontinence, brain pseudotumor, etc.
In the cases of high degree of obesity, subjection to such a type of surgical intervention leads to reduction of general lethality as well. Thus the definition of “metabolic surgery” is boosted.

What are the main factors of obesity and what it may cause?

There are many and different reasons for obesity, but the fact is that the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing permanently. As per data of the World Health Organization from 1980 on, obesity is triplicate in many countries from the European region, and the overweight and obesity affect 50 % of the population in the bigger part of the European countries. It is found that 60 % of the population in the worlds, i.e. 3.3 billion people could be with overweight (2.2 billion) or with obesity (1.1 billion) till 2030 if the last trends continue to develop.

Overweight increases drastic the risk to develop many non-contagious diseases like diabetes, hypertension, insult, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, cancer, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and other severe co-lesions. In the bigger part of European countries, overweight and obesity are responsible for 80 % of the cases of type 2 diabetes, 35 % ischemic heart disease and 55 % hypertension in adults.

When surgical treatment is necessary for obesity?

Bariatric surgery is applied to people who cannot reduce body weight by diets and sport; their body mass index (BMI) is 35 and higher one and have co-lesions like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, etc.; as well as to people who have BMI 40 but without co-lesions.

What is the intervention aim?

Generally, bariatric surgery aims only one thing – to reduce the volume of administered food and its assimilation. It is proven to be the most effective method for treatment of severely obese patients, reducing lethality and the risk to develop new co-lesions. This procedure assists also the reduction of body weight in long-term plan, which is the prerequisite for better quality of life.

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Tel: +359 885 359 646

